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to spiral seems to be the only option

In to spiral seems to be the only option, ferreira immerses her own body and person within the histories of the spirited many who leapt, sometimes together, from the slave-ships that were heading to Northern America and the Caribbean, and the underwater communities they formed. There is a parallel history between the archipelagos that hold New York City and the Dominican Republic, embodied in ferreira, too. One thinks of Marsha P. Johnson’s dead body that was found floating in the Hudson—the unknowns of her death, how she’d made a pact with Sylvia Rivera to “cross the River Jordan” together—or Mami Wata, Yemallá, and sister oceanic beings. to spiral seems to be the only option engages histories, mythologies, and the confluence of both across space and time, disrupting said spacetimematterings, opening our minds to the potential of para-knowability. Through ferreira’s work, we piece together new worlds by giving in to the fact that not everything makes sense—some is felt.

*ASL will be available on December 21. If you have any questions please email

Commissioned by Performance Space New York. This project is supported in part by a grant from the Jerome Foundation.


In AIR, Valencia creates a performance where she pays homage to the work of artists of Mexican descent, such as the Los Angeles based collective ASCO, and Mexican television and film characters like Don Ramon, El Chavo, Cantinflas or Maria Felix. She acknowledges that exposure to these figures has informed her work as much as New York’s experimental downtown dance history. It is a nod to generations of mestiza and Latinx artists who grew up in the United States existing in a hybridity of cultures, positioned in-between, learning how to belong and not belong to the one or the other.
In AIR, Valencia draws commonalities and kinships to this diaspora as they synthesize within her body of work and research as a Latina artist. Valencia shows us we are all listening through osmosis. This is all in her air, so to speak.
*ASL will be available on January 11. If you have any questions please email

Commissioned by Performance Space New York. AIR is made  possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.

DUETS: Kia LaBeija and Julie Tolentino in Conversation


To celebrate the publication DUETS: Kia LaBeija & Julie Tolentino In Conversation, Kia LaBeija and Julie Tolentino will be in dialogue with Vivian Crockett, with readings from the book’s essays authored by Lia Gangitano and David Velasco.


For the DUETS publication, Kia LaBeija and Julie Tolentino come together for an intergenerational dialogue that illuminates their histories as artists and their relationships to HIV/AIDS spanning more than twenty years. From different perspectives, they discuss their shared practices as artists, performance makers, dancers, poets, and activists. With additional contributions by Lia Gangitano and David Velasco.


DUETS is a series of publications that pairs artists, activists, writers, and thinkers in dialogues about their creative practices and current social issues around HIV/AIDS.

DUETS: Kia LaBeija & Julie Tolentino In Conversation is available for purchase online at the Visual AIDS store, and will also be available at the event.


Photo: Eleven, from the second installment of the ongoing series 24. Image courtesy of Kia LaBeija (cropped into heart).

Clit Club


“Clit Club was more than a party. Or, like the best parties, it was an ethos, a destination that lived inside its inhabitants—a roving home for dykes, sex workers, and unflappable misfits. A legendary safe house along the path of a malevolent journey.” – David Velasco


Following the book launch of DUETS: Kia LaBeija & Julie Tolentino In Conversation, organized by Visual AIDS.



Julie Tolentino, Kia LaBeija, Angela Dimayuga, Amalle Dublon, Ash B., Candice Saint Williams, Constantina Zavitsanos, Gigi Stoll, Jet Clark, Julie Mehretu, Lola Flash, Lori E Seid, Meriem Bennani, Ms.Boogie, Nicole Eisenman, Papi Juice, Rio Sofia, Slayrizz, Taína Larot, Tamez, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, Terry Lovette, Virgina Elwood, and Wanda Acosta.



Aldo Hernandez/LoadRezenhand, DM, Daryl Raymond, Toni C, Oscar Nn~ and more…


Photo:  Clit Club 1990-2002 Archives

Clit Club


“Clit Club was more than a party. Or, like the best parties, it was an ethos, a destination that lived inside its inhabitants—a roving home for dykes, sex workers, and unflappable misfits. A legendary safe house along the path of a malevolent journey.” – David Velasco


*Following the book launch of DUETS: Kia LaBeija & Julie Tolentino In Conversation, organized by Visual AIDS.



Julie Tolentino, Kia LaBeija, Angela Dimayuga, Amalle Dublon, Ash B, Candice Williams, Constantina Zavitsanos, Gigi Stoll, Jet Clark, Julie Mehretu, Lola Flash, Lori E Seid, Meriem Bennani, Ms. Boogie, Nicole Eisenman, Papi Juice, Rio Sofia, Slayrizz, Taína Larot, Tamez, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, Terry Lovette, Virgina Elwood, and Wanda Acosta.



Aldo Hernandez/LoadRezenhand, DM, Daryl Raymond, Toni C, Oscar Nn~ and more…





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