Free with RSVP!
Join us on March 23 from 6-9pm for “SPLAT,” a sensory play party with Bobbi Salvör Menuez & friends, hosted in quori theodor’s gnaw installation.
The evening includes an interactive macrophilic installation, a low stim room, orally delighting performances & a slime hour you’ll want to pack a towel for.
Free with RSVP!
Choy Commons’ Spring Opening will gather in ceremony to open the growing season. Spring Opening centers a communal food altar that honors exchange between land, people, how we belong to each other, and the unending cycles that entwine the past and future within us. The bloom of spring will be anointed by the performance artist gushes and the Korean Queer Trans Pungmul Drumming Crew.
Featured offerings: music by Yuka and DJ Dirt, photos by Ramona Jingru Wang, and seedlings from Choy Division and Star Route Farm.
Free with RSVP!
The Harmony Show (THS) is a durational performance and multi-faceted talk show co-created/hosted by Synthetiks advocate Davecat, his life-size roboticized spouse Sidore Kuroneko, and artist Amber Hawk Swanson. Join THS for a live recording of a cooking show with guests Ilana Harris-Babou and Kyla Wazana Tompkins. Harris-Babou’s video and installation Cooking with the Erotic (2016) will be discussed alongside Tompkins’s forthcoming book Deviant Matter: Ferment, Jelly, Intoxication, Rot.
Free with RSVP!
An uplifting, interactive, educational, guided Laughter release play shop involving call & response chanting ,therapeutic LAUGHTER-SIZES, deep relaxation, Meditative live sound journey and fun filled interaction.Dress comfortably expect to connect to some serious fun.
Be as bliss, beauty and beyond.
Free with RSVP!
We the Youth – Keith Haring Lecture Series invites children, their friends, and families to share space with luminaries as they discuss complicated social issues that are often left off of school curricula.
Free with RSVP!
Geelia Ronkina and Constantina Zavitsanos will read in repose from their text on description and prescription, the Kool Aid Man, and other involuted bodies.
Where everybody knows your name,
Gnaw explores the social organization of the kitchen and the fermentation of gender from the inside out. Set within Open Room, quori theodor creates an otherworldly diner that pushes our sense of edibility and recontextualizes the performativity of food.
Countertops as flooring, an evolving ferment library, a vending machine stocked with toothsome experiments, ingredients underfoot, and food mess lining the walls—
Gnaw invites visitors to explore the limits of food, decaying a sense of normalcy around the customs of eating and their structural implications.
All are welcome to use the space: taste it, loiter in it, marinate in it, repose in it, lick it.
Gnaw will additionally be activated through a series of performances, workshops, experiments, and communal meals that will be announced throughout the year.
The mouth is a room, come sit.