Ashleigh Leite | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Blind Spot



“Blind Spot casts a potent spell.”
– Deborah Jowitt, The Village Voice

Pavel Zustiak, the 2007 recipient of The Princess Grace Award in Choreography, reprises the acclaimed Blind Spot at Performance Space 122 and creates a world where that which is no longer seen, heard, nor felt reoccurs as an unwelcome guest. Numb senses retrieve their former abilities and experience the world as if for the first – or last – time.

Direction and Choreography: Pavel Zustiak
Performed by: Gina Bashour, Yoel Cassell, Ashleigh Leite, Anthony Whitehurst
Lighting Design: Joe Levasseur; Costume Design: Nick Vaughan; Set and Sound Design: Pavel Zustiak

More information about Pallissimo

Original Run: June 11 – 15, 2008
Also playing in the COIL 2009 Festival

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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