Post-show talk on Friday, October 26 with NIC Kay.
DEAD THOROUGHBRED is a collaboration that includes at least keyon gaskin and sidony o’neal. DEAD THOROUGHBRED feels ambivalent about the posthuman future. Rather than the post-human, DEAD THOROUGHBRED feels the ante-human (ante = before in Latin), i.e. the dead and other non-human living and non-living forms, in an effort to complicate the idea that living human consciousness is the central or sole indicator of subjective relation. DEAD THOROUGHBRED acknowledges the inherent exclusion and limitations of posthuman theory. DEAD THOROUGHBRED’s presentation in the Posthuman Series fucks with the generativity of death and hopelessness as a critical antithesis to DEAD THOROUGHBRED’s interest in posthuman ideas of enhanced living, futurity, and occult possibility.
DT is peri-conceptual, dis-experimental, and a-nihilist.
DT is a blackened performance that is never not happening.
DT is après-queer and post-ratchet.
DT is anti anti-capital capital.
DT is heavy evasion– worthless.
DT is useless currency devoid of value and wide in circulation.
DT has null intension and null extension.
DT is dead frivolous af.
DT is detrital presence; an exhaustion of lack.
DT is at least sidony o’neal and keyon gaskin.