Shows | Page 22 of 47 | Performance Space New York Spring Gala



The Neilma Sidney Theatre
October 24 – 30, November 2 – 6 | 12 – 6pm


The Neilma Sidney Theatre
October 24 – 28 | 7:30pm
Runtime: 60 – 90 minutes

A participant, 
a voyeur
A theater composed of scaffolding,
movable and removable parts
A stage below a stage next to a stage over a stage
(oh the t e a r s)
dis/place to dis/place
Networks of pushy asymmetries
in sway, slur, blur, purrrr
dark rider

*Season afterparty with BIG GAY IDIOT DJ on Friday, October 28 at 9pm.
With C O M P R E S S I O N, Niall Jones continues a practice of dis/assembling the theatrical space. Trained as a dancer, the artist builds his work through scores that rely on circumventing mechanisms of language. Through this process, his work undermines what we take for granted about the theatre, its fixed architecture and temporality, and the relationship between bodies and materials within it.

Livestreaming and live captioning will be available to ticket holders on Friday, Oct 28 at 7:30pm.

Audio Description will be available via Assisted Listening System (ALS) headsets for the duration of the installation.

If you have any questions please reach out to

Kiki Ball

Legendary Shy Juicy, Mother Nicki Juicy, Icon Snookie Juicy presents The Pink Print Ball💗
We’re teaming up with our neighbors, The Alliance for Positive Change (formerly AIDS Service Center NYC) to bring to you, the Kiki Ball.
Emerging out of the historical House/Ballroom community, the Kiki scene is a highly organized and creative youth-led organization. It centers around so-called houses, with complex kinship structures, that function as vital support systems—support systems that the government and biological families often fail to provide. The underground scene is best known for its lavish balls, where performers present their unique looks and movement styles, competing in different categories for their respective houses.
Free and Confidential HIV testing will be available on-site for free entry.

Sneaker must match your candy.

Tonight you are the club kid Candyland king and Queen of the sweetland …Tonight come dressed as a royal candy Queen or King, but don’t forget your crown must be made with candy or chocolate or both… its all up to you. (MF vs. FF)

Marathon Reading of black looks: race and representation by bell hooks


Related EventFirst Mondays: Readings of New Works in Progress organized by Sarah Schulman

Performance Space New York’s Marathon Readings shares important, influential, and experimental work by women who have passed away, to collectively remember their words. Previous readings were: Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker and DICTEE by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, and Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza by Gloria Anzaldúa.

Amanda Hambrick Ashcraft, Chad Berry, Marci Blackman, Matt Brim, Jacqueline Nassy Brown, Stephanie Browner, Zillah Eisenstein, Malik Gaines, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Leslie M. Harris, Rachel Harris, DaMaris Hill, Jim Hubbard, Jazmine Hughes, Ileana Jimenez, Meredith Lee, Farid Matuk, Stephen Miles, Jennifer L Morgan, Darnell Moore, Ebony Murphy-Root, Dael Orlandersmith, Timoteio Padilla, Lydia Polgreen, Judith Rodriguez, Shellyne Rodriguez, Sharon Salzberg, Ron Scapp, Parul Sehgal, Aishah Shahidah Simmons, Sur Rodney (Sur), Stephanie Trautman, Jamie Utt-Schumacher, Julia Schumacher, Linda Strong-Leek, V (formerly known as Eve Ensler), Linda Villarosa, Phillip Ward, Jana Welch, Crystal Wilkinson, Shannon Winnubst.

Spring Gala 2022 – Angels in New York

150 First Avenue, 4th Floor inside our Keith Haring Theatre
Dr. Elizabeth Alexander
Keith Haring
Sur Rodney (Sur)
Creative Direction
Gerardo Gonzalez
Raul Lopez
Angels in New York
Dance Party—10:30pm
Hilton Als, Karen Finley, Coco Fusco, Diamanda Galás, Roxane Gay, Debbie Harry, John Kelly, Fred Moten, Parker Posey, John Reinhold, Annie Sprinkles & Beth Stephens.
Poster Print for Purchase
Keith Haring, Untitled, 1983 © Keith Haring Foundation.


-Access to our cocktail reception at 6:30 pm (please note the cocktail reception is only one (1) hour long, this does not allow admission into the night’s gala).
-Free drinks and snacks


-Single ticket for dinner and the night’s gala program.


-Table for 6 guests with premium seating
-Half a page in the Gala brochure
-Shout out during the Gala
-Your name listed as a host on all promotional materials
-18 x 24 in. Poster Print. Keith Haring, Untitled, 1983 © Keith Haring Foundation.


-Table for 9 guests with premium seating
-A page in the Gala brochure
-Shout out during the Gala
-Your name listed as a host on all promotional materials
-18 x 24 in. Poster Print. Keith Haring, Untitled, 1983 © Keith Haring Foundation.

Sarah Arison, Deborah Berke, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Kerstin Brätsch, Eleanor Cayre, Sadie Coles HQ, Ralph Deluca, Fairfax Dorn, Anita Durst, Nicole Eisenman, Heather Flow, Roxane Gay and Debbie Millman, Suzanne Geiss, Michael Giordano, Gladstone Gallery, Meaghan Gragg,  Jane Hait, Hernreich Family, Spike Jonze, Chet Kerr, Glenn Ligon, Glenn and Susan Lowry, Daniel Mitura, Sophie Mörner, Russell Piccione, Poppy Pulitzer, Andrea Rosen, Mary Sabbatino, Kenny Scharf, Tanya Selvaratnam, The Keith Haring Foundation, Ana Sokoloff, Darren Walker, Hauser & Wirth, Arden Wohl, and David Zwirner.
COVID Protocols: Regarding our COVID-19 policies, we are requesting that all of the attendees take a rapid test the day of the event and email their results to Free rapid self-tests are available for pick up from our front desk (150 First Avenue) May 16th – May 21st from 12-6pm. Alternatively, see links to find testing locations: LabQ and NYS – Find A Testing Site Near You. We will also be checking proof of vaccination at the Gala’s entrance.

We the Youth – Keith Haring Lecture Series

For this performance lecture movement-based performance artist, vocalist, urban farmer and writer, mayfield brooks, facilitates a space for children and young people to explore an embodied practice around decomposing grief, loss, listening, and deep belly laughter. Over the past four years brooks has been researching whales and the ways in which they move as a collective through their watery worlds, sing to each other, grieve the death of their children, and feed the oceans when they die–this process is called the whale fall.

Participants will play with whale sounds, be inspired by the whale fall’s ocean compost, and dance in collective pods as a means to move, imagine, and dream up watery worlds of our own. In this watery space of infinite possibilities we will playfully, and lovingly create spaces for our unique voices and bodies as individuals and as a collective.
We the Youth – Keith Haring Lecture Series invites children and their friends and families to meet luminaries who talk about ideas and social issues that are often left off of school curriculums.

This series is supported by The Keith Haring Foundation in honor of Keith Haring who collaborated with children throughout his life and believed in art’s ability to create a more accepting society.

ALOK on Gender invited by Puppies Puppies (Jade Guanaro Kuriki-Olivo).

Dr. Cornel West on Justice invited by Ariana Reines.

Fahim Amir on Animals invited by quori theodor.

Whale Fall: It’s all right to cry and laugh at the same time!

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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