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Exploring the Earth as Lover: Ecosex and the City

Join us for Exploring the Earth as Lover: Ecosex and the City, a four-day symposium to forge new relationships with the environment, engage in human/ non-human collaboration, critique calcified ideologies, and engage in new sexualities—all through the lens of environmentalism that is feminist, queer, sensual, sexual, posthuman, exuberant, and steeped in humor and play. Ecosexuality offers the opportunity to reimagine our relationship with a world wounded by anthropocentrism, capitalism, and ecological destruction. It is a way of living propagated by PS122 icon, Annie Sprinkle, and her longtime partner and collaborator, Beth Stephens who “humbly propose ecosex as one of many pathways to healing the pain of both the present moment and the horrific injustices of the past by encouraging people to love the Earth.” Bring your animals, costumes, plants, your microbial/biome cloud and mingle with various communities of artists, scholars, sex workers, queers, fashionistas, animals, spores, water drops, clouds, in a weekend full of rituals, paradigm-shifting panels, performances, poetry, music, environmental activism, food, and a free Sidewalk EcoSex Clinic.

*Please click on each event title to reveal more details.

Annie Sprinkle (E.A.R.T.H. Lab SF)
Beth Stephens (E.A.R.T.H. Lab SF)
Dragonfly Diva (Performance Artivist)
Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful (Interior Beauty Salon)
Justyna Górowska Ph.D. (Cyber Nymph, Artist, Professor)
Ewelina Jarosz Ph.D. (Cyber Nymph, Underwater Activist, Professor)
Veronica Vera (Author & Founder of Miss Vera’s TG/CD Academy)

Clinic Team:
Veronica Hart (Actress & Prod. Mgr.) – Clinic Director
Greer Sikes (Artist) – Head Nurse
Stefanie Iris Weiss (Author of Eco-Sex; Go Green Between the Sheets)- Sensate Healing Experiences
Alexandra Neuman (Filmmaker) – Eco Tarot Readings from the ‘radical becoming in the ongoing now’ deck

Opening Remarks & Land Acknowledgement by Jenny Schlenzka, Executive Artistic Director of Performance Space New York

A collection of short videos featuring:

Getting Dirty In the Garden with the Vaginas of Anarchy, Katie Bush, Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle (1:00)
Supernatural: Softer world of Earth, Katie Bush (2:00)
Homage to the Scarlot Harlot, Oana Tenter (1:40)
Dinosauria, Alessia Cecchet  (2:22)
Oñí Ocan/ The Heart of Sweetness, Courtney Desiree Morris (3:00)
Tree Love, Kevin O’Connor & Friends (5:00)
The Nudist Lunch, Chaki Weed Slut (4:00 excerpt) 
La Corrida  (2:40) & Turn Around Side Piece, Xandra Ibarra (2:43)
Brine Shrimp Cyber Wedding, Justyna Górowska & Ewelina Jarosz (5:00)
Maria the Korean Bride: Ghost Wedding Trailer, Maria Yoon (2:34)
Pteridophilia 4, Bo Zheng (3:00 excerpt) 

Imagine the Earth as Lover – The One Minutes
, curated by Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle (23:00) produced by Julia van Mourik (23:00)

A collection of one-minute videos from all over the world to mark the international scope of the ecosex movement. Videos by Linda M. Montano, Felix Klee, Fenia Kotsopoulou, Federico Tello Porn Process (Aurore Morillon),  Graham Bell Tornado, Lady Monster, Sam Mountford, Kupalua, Joseph Kramer & Scarlot Harlot, Pony Express, Cyril Sancereau, Maria the Korean Bride, K-Haw (Karin Bolender) and L-Haw (Lydia Peelle), Rosario Veneno, Sura Hertzberg & Hailey Jelaire, Lina Bravo & Rowena Buur, Vinicius Davi, Muza de la Luz, Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo, Anna Recasens and Laia Solé , Misha de Ridder, moon wink

Video Installations
The Collective Womb: Alexandra Neuman
The Sensuous Abalone:  Elin T. Sørensen

Improvising with Strawberries: Landing in the Heart with dancers Kevin O’Connor, Montana Summers, music by Wormwood (Christina Willatt & Andrew Wenaus)

Ingrid-Andrea “Rea” Gabrielsen, Hui Ying Koh, Samuel Blank and Ashley Mitchell, Sam Plair and Struth Novogratz, Ailin Liu and Hanyu Qi

Maria Yoon (The Korean Bride) – Spirit Marriage
Michael J. Morris (Queer Astrologer) – Celestial Kinship
Camila Marambio (Curator, Artist, & Scholar) – Cosmic Gnosis with an olfactory contribution by agustine zegers
Barbara Carrellas (Sex Educator and Author of Urban Tantra) – Equine Tantra

Ambient Offerings during the breaks:
Stefanie Iris Weiss: Ecosexual Sensate Healing Experiences
Lydia Peelle: Crystal Light as Dom Top
Movies: The opening night videos will be screened continuously in our screening room
Altars by Cassils’ Pratt Sculpture II students
An Ecosexual Manifesto: a poetic declaration from the South by Federico Tello in collaboration with La Pocha Nostra’s Guillermo Gomez-Peńa, Cesar Echeverría, Paloma Medaglia, Mayor Reta, and Balitronica Gómez.

Courtney Desiree Morris (Artist, Filmmaker, Performer & Scholar) – Egun Work
Savitri D. (Artist, Activist and Director of The Church of Stop Shopping) – Start in a Place
Sur Rodney (Sur) (Contemporary Art Archivist) – Archives & Ancestors
Kate Bornstein (Performance Artist and Author of Gender Outlaw) – Exploring Gender in Four Directions
Linda M. Montano (Lifeist) – Silent Participation

Ambient Offering:
Greer Sikes: Orgasm Symphony

Facilitated by Montana Summers, Kevin O’Connor, and Linda Jantz. 
This guided score plays with tension and compression and asks how might we cultivate listening to the ways forces of push and pull circulate in the ecologies each of us is entangled within.

We highly encourage the audience to grab dinner off-site. This break is a chance for performers to rehearse.

Emcee & Ecosextravaganza Director: Joy Brooke Fairfield ( Contemporary Performance Director & Community Organizer)
Welcome: Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens
Reading:  Prairie Relations 100s – Kim Tallbear,  The Critical Polyamourist
Music: Balloon Virtuoso – Judy Dunaway 
Performance: A Message From Our Sponsors – L.M. Bogad
Eco-Burlesque: Ignition of the Flame Internal – Lady Monster 
Performance: Peatland Passion Mas-turba  – Camila Marambio with voice accompaniment by Isabel Torres
Performance: Transformation EternalMuza De La Luz 
Ritual: Orisha Wedding III.  Courtney Desiree Morris & Dragonfly Diva
Performance: Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir 

Eileen Myles (Poet, Author) – Compost Sexual
Kevin O’Connor & Montana Summers (Members of Sweet Labour Art Collective) – Becoming Walnut Tree: Becoming Forest
Duskin Drum (Artist, Scholar) -A Diagram of Loving Trees
Ewelina Jarosz & Justyna Górowska (Artists and Scholars): Launching the Hydrosexual Movement in Art–An Ecosexual Offspring

Audience members can sign up to present whatever they want for 5 minutes – facilitated by Stefanie Iris Weiss.

Taíno Needle Science Institute: Electric Works Laboratory

Drone Acupuncture, Talks, Workshops, Performances

Open Room
February 1 – June 30
Full Schedule of Events

The Taíno Needle Science Institute: Electric Works Laboratory is an acupuncture clinic doubling as a guerilla academy inspired by the radical health initiatives of the Young Lords, Black Panthers, and prompted by the medical diplomacy of Maoist China. Combining experimental auricular needle protocols born in the 1970’s South Bronx with forms of minimalist music, the clinic will provide free “drone acupuncture” to all who are in need. The clinic aims to search for new healing modalities and methods that are accessible, non-chemical, and committed to upholding the principle that the ability to choose and control one’s healthcare is a basic human right. Additional programming will center around community-led political education, with talks presented by revolutionary elders, film screenings, experiments in electro-acupuncture, workshops, live “drone acupuncture” performances in assorted variations, and more. This experiential environment explores what it takes to reimagine forms of social reproduction, participation, performance, and inclusion of / by marginalized communities within urban and institutional spaces.
Calendar of Events


April 25 | 11am

Free with RSVP

Margarita Pietri will guide a series of yoga classes with poses modified for a seated position. Chair yoga is accessible for those who have injuries and/or low mobility.

Drone Acupuncture

April 26 | 6 – 8pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.


April 27 | 7pm

Free with RSVP

Learn about the history of medicinal herb usage across the Asian continent and ways to properly implement Tea into your diet.

Film Series

April 30 | 6pm

Free with RSVP

Films: Skezag (1970), The Flop (1969), The Life of Junkie Junior (1987)

Moving images on the destructive effects of drugs within the Puerto Rican diaspora.

Unseen Nuyorican Pictures is a film club dedicated to the exhibition and canonization of the moving images created by/of the Puerto Rican people of New York. Monthly screenings illustrate the material reality of the diaspora and examine the inextricable affixation between a people’s depiction of themselves to their economic and social conditions.

Drone Acupuncture

May 3 | 6 – 8pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.

Talk, Workshop, Screening, and Exhibition

May 4 | 7pm

Free with RSVP

Cleo Silvers and Walter Bosque reflect on the community-based initiatives that combined acupuncture, healthcare, and social activism to provide accessible and holistic healthcare to underserved communities in the Bronx.

Cleo Silvers is a community and labor organizer and a former member of the Young Lords, Black Panthers, HRUM (Health Revolutionary Unity Movement). Walter Bosque was a member of the Young Lords, health worker, and acupuncturist. Bosque, along with Mutulu Shakur, developed their own radical acupuncture treatment called “The People’s Protocol,” a treatment that continues to be used in treating addiction today.

This event also includes a screening of Lincoln Hospital (Newsreel #35) and a photo exhibition by Carlos Ortiz.

Talk, Workshop

May 8 | 7pm

Free with RSVP

Poet and educator Mariposa Fernandez discusses the history of Nuyorican Poets followed by a poetry workshop.


May 9 | 11 am

Free with RSVP

Margarita Pietri will guide a series of yoga classes with poses modified for a seated position. Chair yoga is accessible for those who have injuries and/or low mobility.

Drone Acupuncture

May 17 | 6pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.


May 14 | 3pm

Free with RSVP

Founding members of Parents Against Police Brutality, Margarita Rosario and Iris Baez will reflect on their experience organizing against police brutality.

Drone Acupuncture

May 17 | 6pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.

Film Screening

May 21 | 6pm

Free with RSVP

A selection of films celebrating the 20th anniversary of the US Navy’s withdrawal from Vieques, an island part of the Puerto Rican archipelago.

Unseen Nuyorican Pictures is a film club dedicated to the exhibition and canonization of the moving images created by/of the Puerto Rican people of New York. Monthly screenings illustrate the material reality of the diaspora and examine the inextricable affixation between a people’s depiction of themselves to their economic and social conditions.


May 23 | 7pm

Free with RSVP

With a screening of Assata Shakur & Guillermo Morales Speak On Political Prisoners In The US

Mickey Melendez (Founding Young Lords Party member) and Sekou Odinga (Cofounder of the Black Panther Party’s Harlem, Bronx, and International Chapters and Black liberation Army. He was He was a prisoner of war for more than 33 years, convicted of RICO charges that included the liberation of Assata Shakur) discuss their political origins and the conceptions, purpose, and ramifications of organizing an underground movement. What are the circumstances that create such a necessity and what effect did it have on the individuals who participated?

Drone Acupuncture

May 24 | 6 – 8pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.

Talk, Workshop

May 26 | 7pm

Free with RSVP

Ponce Laspina, Leader of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party of New York and organizer of El Maestro Boxing Gym in the Bronx, leads a conversation on the origins and untold histories of Puerto Rico’s liberation movement, detailing the efforts of various Leftist organizations that contribute to the fight.

Drone Acupuncture

May 31 | 6 – 8pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.


June 6 | 11am

Free with RSVP

Margarita Pietri will guide a series of yoga classes with poses modified for a seated position. Chair yoga is accessible for those who have injuries and/or low mobility.

Drone Acupuncture

June 7 | 6 – 8pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.


June 9 | 7pm

Free with RSVP

Originating out of the Civil Rights Movement, The Last Poets used music and spoken word as a tool for political activism, their poems advocated for social change and raised awareness about the challenges faced by the African American community.

Drone Acupuncture

June 14 | 6 – 8pm

Free with RSVP

30 minute sessions of drone acupuncture combine the Nada Protocol (an experimental auricular needle protocol developed by former Young Lords and Black Panther members) with minimalist music, for all those in need of alternative modes of healing.



Free with RSVP

Activist Makini Shakur talks about the work and legacy of Black Liberation and Civil Rights Activist, Mutulu Shakur who spoke out against systemic racism, inequality and oppression faced by the Black community. Mutulu was incarcerated by the state for 37 years and was just recently released in December 2022.


June 22 | 7pm

Sliding Scale

Performance Space New York Gala 2023

150 First Avenue, 4th Floor inside our Keith Haring Theatre
Sarah Schulman
Michelle Coffey
Telfar, Eartheater, Aya Brown, Claire Danes, Lourdes Leon, Raul Lopez, Ralph Lemon, Emma Reeves, Chloë Sevigny, Cindy Sherman, and Justin Vivian Bond.
Brontez Purnell
Creative Direction
Richard Kennedy
Black Swan’s Song: A Jazz Dinner Theater by Nano Collective
Richard Kennedy, Kyle Kidd, Xander Gaines, Rashonda Reeves, Fernando Casablancas, Alissa Brianna, Reyna Pannell, and Isaiah Cook
Black Tie
If you have any inquiries about purchasing a ticket or table please email us.

-1 table at our Gala with premier location (18 people)
-Recognition as part of the Committee
-A page in the Gala printed program, if purchased by February 22

-1 table at our Gala (12 people)
-Recognition as part of the Committee
-A page in the Gala printed program, if purchased by February 22


-1 table at our Gala (6 people)
-Recognition as part of the Committee
-Half a page in the Gala printed program, if purchased by February 22

-1 ticket to our Gala
-Sponsors an artist’s seat
-Recognition as part of the Committee on all Gala materials, if purchased by February 22

-1 ticket to our Gala
-Recognition as part of the Committee on all Gala materials, if purchased by February 22

-Access to our cocktail reception at 6:30 pm (please note the cocktail reception is only one (1) hour long, this does not allow admission into the Gala’s performances and dinner)
-Free drinks and snacks

Vera Alemani, Sarah Arison, Paul Bernstein & Dr. Alfred Gillio, Kerstin Brätsch, Sammy Chadwick, Company Gallery, Anne Delaney, Tariq Dixon, Bridget Donahue, Fairfax Dorn, Anita Durst, Alexander Ferrando, Heather Flow, James Fuentes, Suzanne Geiss, Michael Giordano, Meaghan Gragg, Jane Hait, Heather Hubbs, Mariam Khayretdinova, Andrew Kreps, Lambent Foundation, Hanna Liden, Jessica Sofia Mitrani, Daniel Mitura, Ted Oberwager, Elizabeth Peyton, Russell Piccione, Poppy Pulitzer, Slobodan Randjelović, Thomas Rom, Andrea Rosen, Donnie Ryan, Lauryn Siegel, Jesse Smiley, Frank Spelman, Kon Trubkovich, and Arden Wohl

John Giorno Octopus Series

Performers: Kevin Beasley, Taja Cheek (L’Rain) and Ben Chapoteau-Katz (L’Rain), Eli Keszler, and Moor Mother.
This event celebrates the release of Kevin Beasley’s new publication, A View of a Landscape, published by the Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago. Please join us for a launch event featuring performances by Kevin Beasley, Taja Cheek (L’Rain) Ben Chapoteau-Katz (L’Rain), Eli Keszler, and Moor Mother.
A View of a Landscape pairs a 300-page book and double LP, conceived as equal elements and designed together. The book is an expansive look at Beasley’s work in sculpture, sound, and performance, illuminating how his practice finds its grounding in his family’s land in Virginia, a place that also brings out larger American histories. Along with texts by nine writers with strong ties to the artist, the substantial book features a large array of images that include Beasley’s work and materials from his own amassed visual archive. The double LP features newly recorded tracks by musicians and artists from Beasley’s close creative circles, produced in partnership with London-based record label Hyperdub. The musician’s tracks are uniquely their own, but they all sample recordings that Beasley made, reflecting an ongoing spirit of collaboration.

Book: Andy Battaglia, Kevin Beasley, Daphne A. Brooks, Adrienne Edwards, Leon Finley, Mark Godfrey, Thomas J. Lax, Ralph Lemon, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, Fred Moten


Double LP: Laurel Halo, Jlin, Eli Keszler, L’Rain, Ralph Lemon, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Kelsey Lu, Jason Moran, Fred Moten, Moor Mother, Okwui Okpokwasili, SCRAAATCH
The publication will be available for purchase on the night, and can also be pre-ordered from the Renaissance Society website.

Using the Octopus’s decentralized nervous system as an inspiration for Performance Space New York’s curatorial practice, the John Giorno Octopus Series invites artists and guest curators to organize an evening-length program with several artists working in any number of disciplines. The series is named after legendary performance poet, John Giorno, and continues Performance Space’s legacy of artist-centric programming and creating space for risk-taking.

John Giorno Octopus Series

Using the Octopus’s decentralized nervous system as an inspiration for Performance Space New York’s curatorial practice, the John Giorno Octopus Series invites artists and guest curators to organize an evening-length program with several artists working in any number of disciplines. The series is named after legendary performance poet, John Giorno, and continues Performance Space’s legacy of artist-centric programming and creating space for risk-taking.

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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