Kiki Ball

Vogue Ball
- The Keith Haring Theatre
- June 30 | 3 - 11pm
Cash at Door ($15)
Legendary Shy Juicy, Mother Nicki Juicy, Icon Snookie Juicy presents The Pink Print Ballđź’—
We’re teaming up with our neighbors, The Alliance for Positive Change (formerly AIDS Service Center NYC) to bring to you, the Kiki Ball.
Emerging out of the historical House/Ballroom community, the Kiki scene is a highly organized and creative youth-led organization. It centers around so-called houses, with complex kinship structures, that function as vital support systems—support systems that the government and biological families often fail to provide. The underground scene is best known for its lavish balls, where performers present their unique looks and movement styles, competing in different categories for their respective houses.
Free and Confidential HIV testing will be available on-site for free entry.
Sneaker must match your candy.
Tonight you are the club kid Candyland king and Queen of the sweetland …Tonight come dressed as a royal candy Queen or King, but don’t forget your crown must be made with candy or chocolate or both… its all up to you. (MF vs. FF)