You can hear footsteps

Dance, Performance
- Keith Haring Theatre
- May 30 - 31, June 1 | 7pm
Access Provision: ASL Interpretation will be provided on May 31, 7pm.
Elliot Reed Laboratories presents a dance where linguistic expression, and introspection converge. In this solo performance, Reed assumes the role of a storyteller, producing a world of inner and outer dialogues in search of freedom. Reed considers the dynamics of consumption, spectatorship, and the sublimation of self through this offering, engaging in a thought-provoking exploration of both the individual and the audience.
*Please Note: This production contains strobe lighting which may be disruptive to people who are sensitive to light.
You can hear footsteps is the Performance Space Annual Visionary Commission generously supported by the Performance Space Visionaries, additional support is provided by ICI—Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier Occitanie / Pyrénées Méditerranée under the Direction of Christian Rizzo, and by the National Performance Network (NPN) Artist Engagement Fund.

Photos: Annie Forrest