Body of Work

- Jan 10 8:00pm
- Jan 11 5:30pm
- 40 minutes
Eke explores the tension between the performance and the documentation of the performance, by making them one in the same. As the live performance unfolds it is incrementally video recorded. As the documentation accumulates it is projected back into the live performance producing a recursive effect.
Body Of Work is a synthesis of the human body and technology, aiming to play with our perception of time, generating multiple and shifting points of focus for the audience, so they can create their own experience throughout the evening. The performance begs the following questions, What is the contemporary? What is new? What is now? What is present? The performance operates as an allegory of how to be ‘present’, to be in the ‘here and now.’
Choreographed by Atlanta Eke, performed by Atlanta Eke / Ivey Wawn. Music composed and performed by Daniel Jenatsch, video designed by RDYSTDY and operated by Martyn Coutts.