Vogue Ball | Performance Space New York

Kiki Ball

Legendary Shy Juicy, Mother Nicki Juicy, Icon Snookie Juicy presents The Pink Print Ballđź’—
We’re teaming up with our neighbors, The Alliance for Positive Change (formerly AIDS Service Center NYC) to bring to you, the Kiki Ball.
Emerging out of the historical House/Ballroom community, the Kiki scene is a highly organized and creative youth-led organization. It centers around so-called houses, with complex kinship structures, that function as vital support systems—support systems that the government and biological families often fail to provide. The underground scene is best known for its lavish balls, where performers present their unique looks and movement styles, competing in different categories for their respective houses.
Free and Confidential HIV testing will be available on-site for free entry.

Sneaker must match your candy.

Tonight you are the club kid Candyland king and Queen of the sweetland …Tonight come dressed as a royal candy Queen or King, but don’t forget your crown must be made with candy or chocolate or both… its all up to you. (MF vs. FF)

Kiki Ball

Icon Snookie & Legendary Shy Juicy Couture presents
🍬🍭🍬🍭CANDY LAND🍭🍬🍭🍬
Houses: Juicy, Mulan, Dusse, Playboy, Mattel, Marciano, Pinklady, Oldnavy, Versace, Louboutin, Wang, Dior, and Gabbana.

Pick a color from the original pack of skittles from head to toe (footwear doesn’t count).

Bring it in a pair of candy dazzled gloves.

Sneaker must match your candy.

Note: Realness is the only category broken down into the following point structure…Any other category will be determined by the last person/house standing in each category to get that respective point.
School Boy (10pts) – You are trying to raise money for your basketball team selling candy on the train (you can choose any box of candy you want)
Legendary (10pts) – You gotta keep your reputation on the block as a legend, come with your candy bling edible jewelry of your choice
Pretty Boy (10pts) – your a pretty boy with a hat today, candy dazzle any hat of your choice.
Butch/Transman (10pts) – come as a pastry/sweets treat chef with a special sweet or pastry treat
Thug (10pts) – Your girlfriend is upset at you for staying out late last night, bring her a colorful cupcake to say sorry and to cheer her up.
Executive (10pts) – Bring a candy plan on a new flavor of candy and name your trying to create
Femqueen (10pts) – Bubble gum can be sticky and tasty So tonight come in All pink. (Footwear doesn’t count)
Drags (10pts) – Tonight I wanna see your nails designed with different candies of your choice .
(All REALNESS winners will Battle at the end for an extra 5 pts )

Tonight you are the club kid Candyland king and Queen of the sweetland …Tonight come dressed as a royal candy Queen or King, but don’t forget your crown must be made with candy or chocolate or both… its all up to you. (MF vs. FF)

The Oompa Loompas are in charge of helping run the Willy Wonka chocolate factory .Tonight I want you to bring your own feminine interpretation of the Oompa Loompa. (women ,drag, fem-queen)

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Willy Wonka allowed a few kids to come take a look inside his chocolate factory. When Charlie got picked to attend, he started to sing “I got a golden ticket.” Tonight remix that into a chant.

Licorice twizzlers and it’s stretchy texture has been around for decades. Tonight bring me Best dressed but 1 secret weapon piece must be made out of twizzlers. You can use any color or any flavor you choose.(MF VS FF)

The Almond Joy candy bar vs The Reese’s cup chocolate. Twisters bring it in all Blue and white effect (footwear don’t count). Sisters bring it in a all orange & white effect footwear don’t count)

Cotton candy is a classic for its fluffiness and sweet melting texture. Tonight bring me a cotton candy inspired effect. Male figure vs Female figure. (Last male and female standing will battle for a extra 3 points)

Lollipops are one of a child’s most requested candy to eat, tonight come down the runway with one of the biggest lollipops you can find…Go big or go home. The look is up to you.

Bring a candy or a chocolate that compliments your fit.

Hershey kisses are known for its silver wrapper. Tonight bring it in any silver and white inspired effect style. (footwear doesn’t count)

Mask and hand sanitizer will be given out. Free and Confidential HIV testing will be available on site! Free cotton candy and popcorn too!

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