Puzzle | Performance Space New York


Sarah Zapata
A Famine of Hearing
September 2019
Photograph by Da Ping Luo
500-Piece Puzzle
18” X 24”

DONATE and specify Sarah Zapata puzzle in notes

Ligia Lewis
Water Will (in Melody)
May 2019
Photograph by Studio Julien Barbés
500-Piece Puzzle
18” X 24”

DONATE and specify Ligia Lewis puzzle in notes

Ron Athey
Acephalous Monster
November 2018
Photograph by Rachel Papo
500 Piece Puzzle
18″ X 24″

DONATE and specify Ron Athey puzzle in notes

Julie Tolentino and Stosh Fila
December 2019
Photograph by Maria Baranova-Suzuki
500-Piece Puzzle
18” X 24”

DONATE and specify Julie Tolentino puzzle in notes

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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