is live! | Performance Space New York Spring Gala is live!

We’re psyched to announce that is now live! is a look inside the artists, ideas, personalities, places, work and discussions that drive contemporary performance. Moving beyond PS122 and the work we present and into a broader context.

In the first batch of videos, Alex Reeves and I Skype interview artist Ant Hampton about the source material behind his upcoming work Cue China (Elsewhere, Offshore), Vallejo debuts his ‘Hyperjetlag’ series showcasing the life of an ever-traveling curator, we eat Australian candy and find out Derek used to work in the factory, and a 5’8″ Bevin towers over the new PS122 building to walk us through the who’s who of model figurines….and more.

Stay tuned and bookmark us for more interviews with artists and luminaries, more Hyperjetlag, exclusive performances from around the globe and stuff we haven’t thought of yet…

Global is local. is everywhere.

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