Founded as Performance Space 122, in 1980, from an explosion of radical self-expression amidst the intensifying American culture wars, Performance Space New York is the birthplace of contemporary performance as it is known today.
Performance Space New York stands in solidarity with all who have cried out against police brutality in this country. We mourn the thousands of lives that have been taken by police violence and we are outraged by the continuous and systemic oppression of Black and brown people in this country.
Read our full letter of support!
For the year of 2020 a group of NYC based artists and collectives has been given the mandate to run the organization together with our staff, board, and leadership. More
From September to January artists propose new platforms that transgress the black box, by decentering critique in favor of ritual and community. More
From January through May artists and activists locate power and creativity in refusal. More
The Posthuman Series envisions an alternative space for theater by challenging the very idea it is based on—the human. More
The inaugural East Village Series asks what kind of art organization we need to become in light of this ever-more exclusionary social and political context. More