Invocation (English) | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Invocation (English)


hello crips, queers and perverts

here we are, in this only space and time

in our bodies, the only thing we own, that others try to take from us

hello living. hello dead. hello people who are in between. hello you who don’t know which you are yet

hello those who wish they were dead sometimes. hello you who miss miss miss the fuck out of your loves who left

hello virtual. hello meat world. hello, still fucking here


dearly beloved we are gathered together in this thing called disabled crip autistic Deaf sick life:

in year four/ ever of the pandemic, where we are no longer waiting

no one is coming to save us

except we come to save each other, over and over again

here in this place, we flesh, we spirit

we here, we elsewhere

we touch and breathe after being locked in our apartments for the past three years

we weep from lack of touch

we weep from those gone

some of us have barely survived

some of us have almost died

some of us died 

because every change is a death

we left old selves behind with them

we are new

and we learned shit we never wished to learn

we are still the disabled oracle portals

we still make a disabled future

we still are what saves 

we still keep us safe

we know how precious it is to be together

and we grieve

and we love

and we transform

and we here

and we are so glad to see you.

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