Engage with the January Festivals | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Engage with the January Festivals

PFORM is a free companion app tailored to the festivals held every January in New York City. PFORM includes top festivals such as Prototype, Under the Radar, Special Effects and of course, our very own COIL 2016.

So what can you do with this free app to make your COIL 2016 experience even better?

*See a compete listing of performances and add shows to your personal or public calendars
*Like and post your attendance of specific performances to Facebook and Twitter accounts
*See a map of venues, get directions and check-in with Foursquare
*Watch videos related to performances and festivals
*Follow a Twitter feed aggregate of all of the festivals and their related hashtags
*Network with other people attending the festivals though the app’s integrated social network
*Discover new voices and visions on the embedded Contemporary Performance Almanac 2015


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