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The Painted Bird Trilogy

PS122 Spring ’12 and COIL ’13 artist, Pavel Zustiak, is opening The Painted Bird trilogy as part of the La MaMa Moves! 2013 Festival. With Amidst being one of the most popular shows this past COIL, I’d suggest you grab a ticket now before performances are sold out…

June 21-30
Information and tickets

Tickets for the entire trilogy are $60 ($55 student/senior)
$45 Discount Code for PS122 friends/followers: OWL
Tickets for individual parts are $25 (at the door, cash only, subject to availability)

Zustiak’s “The Painted Bird”, a three-part epic, is a claustrophobic, sometimes disorienting exploration of themes of displacement and altered perception
The New Yorker

See you there!

The Painted Bird trilogy, is a series of dance-theater performances by acclaimed choreographer, Pavel Zustiak.

Inspired by the Jerzy Kosinski novel of the same name, which tells the story of a young boy making his way through war-time Eastern Europe, The Painted Bird is an ambitious, emotionally charged production that deals with themes of identity, otherness, displacement and transformation. Integrating dance, video, visual projections, and live music composed by Christian Frederickson, Ryan Rumery, and Jason Nobel, the piece, as The New Yorker says, shines with Zustiak’s “vivid, often anguished, imagination.”

The Painted Bird shows at La MaMa Moves! 2013 will be the first time all three parts of the trilogy– Bastard, Amidst, and Strange Cargo– will presented together in New York. The whole three-show cycle is about four hours long, with food available during the intermissions.

The Painted Bird runs:
June 21-22 at 7pm
June 23 at 3pm
June 26-29 at 7pm
June 30 at 3pm

Information and tickets

Tickets for the entire trilogy are $60 ($55 student/senior)
Tickets for individual parts are $25 (at the door, cash only, subject to availability)

Photo credit: David Kumerman

PS122.tv is live!

We’re psyched to announce that PS122.tv is now live!

PS122.tv is a look inside the artists, ideas, personalities, places, work and discussions that drive contemporary performance. Moving beyond PS122 and the work we present and into a broader context.

In the first batch of videos, Alex Reeves and I Skype interview artist Ant Hampton about the source material behind his upcoming work Cue China (Elsewhere, Offshore), Vallejo debuts his ‘Hyperjetlag’ series showcasing the life of an ever-traveling curator, we eat Australian candy and find out Derek used to work in the factory, and a 5’8″ Bevin towers over the new PS122 building to walk us through the who’s who of model figurines….and more.

Stay tuned and bookmark us for more interviews with artists and luminaries, more Hyperjetlag, exclusive performances from around the globe and stuff we haven’t thought of yet…

Global is local. PS122.tv is everywhere.

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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