In the News | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Feedback Needed for CreateNYC Cultural Plan

PS122 staff members have been honored to attend a number of CreateNYC events this year to weigh in on the city’s first Cultural Plan. CreateNYC recently released their findings from over 10,000 surveys they collected and over 400 events they presented at. If you haven’t yet attended an event or taken a survey, there is still time to give your feedback. There are a number of new polls online including an Equity poll, Affordability poll and Neighborhood Character poll, collecting feedback until 31. How do you imagine the future of NYC arts & culture? We are looking forward to seeing the results of the polls and being a part this inaugural cultural plan!

COIL 2015 Press Highlights

This year’s COIL was our biggest festival to date! We’re so proud of the work our COIL 2015 artists churned out and are happy to share some press highlights with you all.
Photo by Maria Baranova

Sebastian ErrazurizA Pause in the City That Never Sleeps

Design Milk Article
Daily Architecture Design
Clocktown Radio Interview

The TEAMRoosevElvis

Exuent Magazine
BYT – Brightest Young Things


“SORRY ROBOT at the New Ohio Theater is a gleeful, ramshackle tale of a not-too-distant future in which machines are both our best friends and mortal enemies.” Ben Brantley, The New York Times

The New York Times feature on Mike Iveson

CATCH COIL (they made us do it again)

The New York Times T Mag Blog Feature


Temporary DistortionMY VOICE HAS AN ECHO IN IT

Mildly Bitter
American Theater Magazine

Molly Lieber and Eleanor SmithRude World

“Have you ever wanted to know what it looks like when two bodies become one?”Time Out Interview with Gia Kourlas

“Body on body, staying attached in a loose and continuous tumble, they are like tangled strands of seaweed caught up in gently churning waves. Sometimes one or the other seems in control, but what fascinates is the flow, a complex interplay of weight, muscular tension and release.” Brian Seibert, The New York Times


“This is a show about presence, about immediacy, about the hitches and hiccups of life in the phenomenal universe. With his tech and his tricks and his intensified monologues, Mr. Schneider explores the continuities and differences in the world each of us perceives. “We exist in each other’s realities,” he says. “But not in the way that we think we do.” How might the world look different from the stage? From elsewhere in the audience? From somewhere behind the curtain?”Alexis Soloski, The New York Times

“A weird hybrid of an inspirational seminar, confessional one-man show, introductory lecture on relativity and visually gorgeous prediction of what will happen when the machines take over, YOUARENOWHERE is a tour de force—both of acting and design.”Time Out New York

Brooklyn Paper



Ride On Theatre The Blind Date Project

Wall Street Journal Interview with Bojana Novakovic
New York Theater Now

“This clever show, created by the Australian actress Bojana Novakovic, who plays one-half of the couple at each performance… takes place in the back room of an actual bar, the funky Parkside Lounge.” – Charles Isherwood, The New York Times

Alexandra BachzetsisFrom A to B via C

“this coolly disarming work revealed many such convoluted structures, favoring switchbacks, detours and double exposures over any linear route.” – Siobhan Burke, The New York Times

zoe | juniperBeginAgain

The New York Times Critics’ Pick

“The shadows and uncertainties of movement and relationship were at first unsettling, as the audience sought to find stories or sense in this mix. Eventually, though, the crowd seemed to release in a collective sigh. The visual and auditory richness became a lullaby. In the final scene, as the dancers touched each others’ faces with tenderness, Pyborn crooned an extended song in French song, offering a veritable lullaby to a piece that had touched every sense.”Danceviewtimes

Ryan Holsopple / 31 DowndataPurge

Culturebot Interview

Faye DriscollThank Your For Coming: Attendance

Danceviewtimes Review

Overall Festival Coverage

Q&A with Vallejo Gantner – bringing the World to NY and NY to the World

Vallejo Gantner Interview in Flavorpill

Flavorpill Preview Picks

Understanding Obamacare for Downtown Artists

Community Board 3, HOWL! H.E.L.P*, Bowery Poetry Club, Fourth Arts Block, GOH Productions, Jackie Factory, La Mama, Performance Space 122, Poetry Project, TWEED Theaterworks, Vangeline theater invite you to a FREE Actor’s Fund Workshop:
Understanding Obamacare & the Affordable Care Act
Find out if you’re eligible for free or low-cost insurance.
Thursday January 30, 2014
7 – 8:30 PM
Saint Marks Church – Parish Hall


Farewell to Ruth Maleczech

Today PS122 pays a sad farewell to our friend from 150 First Avenue, Mabou Mines co-founder Ruth Maleczech who passed away yesterday. Vallejo put it well when he said, “Vale Ruth Maleczech. She seemed so very close to immortality.”

Here is a video that highlights Ruth’s brilliance, an excerpt of Mabou Mines’ “Lucia’s Chapters of Coming Forth by Day” filmed during PS122’s Retrofuturespective Festival in 2011.
Continue reading “Farewell to Ruth Maleczech”

The Evolution of PS122

Theatermania just ran a great article about PS122’s future, Performance Space 122: How Leaving Manhattan Forced an Organization to Evolve. Artistic Director Vallejo Gantner is interviewed and speaks about some of the changes we’ve been making:

“Being out of the building opened up an opportunity to really think about what we do and why and how we do it,” said Vallejo Gantner, P.S. 122’s Artistic Director. “It’s a shift, and reflects the fact that artist-led spaces aren’t in the East Village anymore. They are in Bushwick, and Bedford-Stuyvesant, Long Island City. has evolved, and young emerging artists don’t live in the East Village, typically, so our functioning in the New York City ecosystem has to change.”

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