Last month, the Chairman of PS122’s Board, Ivan Martinez, took the time to write about his experiences as a participant in Choreography for Blackboards, which was presented last January as part of COIL 2012.
My name is Ivan Martinez and I’m the chairman of the board of Performance Space 122. I’ve been on the board since 1998. I was never an artist or performer and my involvement has been mostly to help support and manage the institution. This past January, for the first time ever, I was asked to be a performance – Michael Klien’s Choreography for Blackboards which was part of PS122’s COIL festival. I was honored to be asked, but also petrified at the prospect of performing in front of a paying audience. As part of the show, I wouldn’t have a PowerPoint presentation or the scripted set of charts that are part and parcel of my day job. This was new territory for me.
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