blog | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Adrienne Truscott @ The Kitchen

We are happy to announce that our friends at the Kitchen are presenting Adrienne Truscott’s new dance work:
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ボード、ブラスト サーフボード)ショウジ シェイプ (ファンタジーアイ
ランド サーフボード)TOO FREEDOMオリジナルマークも入ります
“An evening of dance and building with people available for hire.”
It runs December 8-15th!

For those of you who missed PS122’s season launch party, check out the video below – Adrienne was an incredible MC.
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The NYTimes Blogs about COIL, UTR Lineup

The New York Times recently blogged about our upcoming COIL festival on their Arts Beat blog. COIL also got a mention in the Times’ Arts Beat piece about our former artistic Director Mark Russel’s Under the Radar Festival, which runs concurrently with COIL.

The $15.1 million renovation that has largely kept Performance Space 122 out of its East Village home since the summer of 2011 is not stopping the adventurous organization from presenting its eighth annual Coil Festival, which will run Jan. 3 to 19, 2013.

Hold Music of the Month: Taken by Trees

For our second month of curating PS122’s hold music, we picked a new track by Taken by Trees called “Horizon.”
You might recognize their sound from the Season Launch video, which used their track “Dreams” as a luscious backdrop. Their first full-length album, Other Worlds came out in October. Give us a ring while you’re standing in line to vote today – we promise not to pick up for a while so you can hear the jam.
Continue reading “Hold Music of the Month: Taken by Trees”

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