blog | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

The Evolution of PS122

Theatermania just ran a great article about PS122’s future, Performance Space 122: How Leaving Manhattan Forced an Organization to Evolve. Artistic Director Vallejo Gantner is interviewed and speaks about some of the changes we’ve been making:

“Being out of the building opened up an opportunity to really think about what we do and why and how we do it,” said Vallejo Gantner, P.S. 122’s Artistic Director. “It’s a shift, and reflects the fact that artist-led spaces aren’t in the East Village anymore. They are in Bushwick, and Bedford-Stuyvesant, Long Island City. has evolved, and young emerging artists don’t live in the East Village, typically, so our functioning in the New York City ecosystem has to change.”

Staff Waves Goodbye to PS122 Building for Renovation

The staff has taken to calling the PS122 building, “PS122 East Village” to differentiate it from our offices in Greenpoint and while we’ve been talking about the upcoming renovation for years, we are finally handing over the keys to the building at the end of this week and contractors start next week. It’s bittersweet because while we’re excited for the future, we all have fond memories of our time in that magical space. Last night we had a little pizza party/ cricket batting practice to officially say goodbye to our East Village home.
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PS122’s First Vine Video

PS122 just joined the new social network Vine, which is all about posting 6 second videos. We’re a little worried that attention spans have gotten THIS short but thought we’d give it a try anyway. Director of Production Derek Lloyd sent in this great video of their innovative way of loading cables out of our upstairs theater in preparation for our upcoming renovation.

PS122 is “Like Escaping And Coming Home All At Once”

Recent PS122 intern Bella Riza wrote this wonderful look back at her days shooting & editing videos for our COIL festival. Big thanks to Bella and all of our interns without whom we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. If you’d like to intern for PS122 you can find info on our Volunteer page.

Sometimes it feels like walking into a home when you step foot into PS122’s offices in Greenpoint. I don’t really know how to explain that, it might be something to do with the fact that there is always something going on or being worked out like a functioning house. It could be the family of warm people that all work in the same space too. That’s how it felt on my first day of my internship with Video/Creative Technology there. Usually the way you see and sense a place that you come to know well changes over time. I feel like my first impressions of PS122 remain essentially similar to that first day.
Continue reading “PS122 is “Like Escaping And Coming Home All At Once””

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