Wrestling Ladies | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Wrestling Ladies

Wrestling Ladies transforms a theatrical venue into a wrestling ring. In a visual style inspired by contemporary underground comics, the work depicts characters as combatants, superheroes, and saints who all struggle to transcend their given and created identities. The audience is witness to both their public battles and private histories. The primary character is an eleven year old girl, Chasity a.k.a Devilish Angel, who is obsessed with wrestling. The other characters include: her mother, Maria Elena Vazquez, a ruthless champion; her soon to be stepfather, Louis, manager/coach of the ring; and her friend Lizard, a wrestler who keeps her company and protects her from evil. The action moves fluidly from fight scenes to surreal dances to moments of unexpected tenderness.

Dates: Mar 7 - 9, 12 - 16, 2003

Type: Theater

Premiere Status: New York Premier

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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