Whatever, Heaven Allows | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Whatever, Heaven Allows


“OUTRAGEOUS” – The New Yorker
“BOISTEROUS” – Flavorpill

Excerpts from Ben Brantley’s review in The New York Times:
I enjoyed it“… “‘Whatever’ includes some funny video sequences (love that chain-smoking deer!), clunky karaoke-style musical numbers (the Jane Wyman stand-in sings ‘I Am Woman’) and one inspired routine involving haka, a traditional Maori dance form…

But you have to admit that Radiohole is a great leveler. It makes Milton sound like a Brill Building songwriter, and Sirk seem as on-the-surface as ‘Melrose Place.’ Culture don’t get no respect from Radiohole, which may not be enlightening, but for a generation that’s so over postmodernism, it is kind of liberating.”
Enjoy the full review

” turns out effervescent, anarchic work… cultivates an eccentric acting style and makes familiar text creepily bizarre.” -Time Out

Known for its radical and reckless theatricality, avant-garde New York troupe Radiohole’s newest work is a star-spangled American meta-melodrama inspired by film director Douglas Sirk’s 1950s potboilers and Milton’s epic Paradise Lost. Our heroine is an all- American “Eve” who must save her home from an evil-doer while struggling to find fulfillment in a lasting relationship with a supposedly good man who looks like god. Radiohole’s newest synthesis of cultural flotsam is sure to be bawdy, silly, possibly transcendent, and a touch disturbed.

The Spalding Gray Award supports gifted writer/performers who fully realize both aspects of Spalding’s legacy, who are fearless innovators of theatrical form, who reach into daily experience and create resonant, transcendent work that makes us all bigger, wider, wiser and, somehow, more than we were when we entered the theater. The award is a special commission created in Spalding Gray’s honor by Performance Space 122 in New York , UCLA Live, University of California, Los Angeles’ public performing arts program,The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.

This performance was supported by a Commission Grant from the Jerome Foundation


Saturday, February 20 – Sunday, March 21
Thu – Sat at 8PM, Sun at 6PM
Late Shows: Saturdays at 10:30PM:
Feb 27/Mar 6/Mar 13/Mar 20
Spalding Gray Award Celebration + Thursday Night Social: Feb 25

Help PS122 Go Green by viewing your Whatever, Heaven Allows Program online!

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