Way Out West, The Sea Whispered Me | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Way Out West, The Sea Whispered Me

cupola bobber

“…this pair of Chicago-based 30-year-olds can lay claim to a special talent for alternative performance-making of disarmingly odd, cosmic charm.” – Donald Hutera, The Times of London

“What Samuel Beckett doing standup would be.” – trailerpilot.com

A vast internal adventure of miniscule proportions that explores The Sea, both as mythology and as awesome presence. Using Cupola Bobber’s home-spun minimal aesthetic and poker-faced absurdist charm, Stephen Fiehn and Tyler B. Myers – like Laurel & Hardy channeling Gilbert & George – visit The Sea and watch a town slide in.

Founded in 1999, Cupola Bobber is a collaboration between Stephen Fiehn and Tyler B. Myers. They have created four evening length performances by working slowly out of their studio on the west side of Chicago. They have performed in multiple venues in Chicago, Austin, Portland, and New York, and toured internationally. They were International Artists in Residence at the Nuffield Theatre Lancaster in 2008. Alongside evening-length performances, they have made video, durational performance, and published writing.

Way Out West, the Sea Whispered Me is a National Performance Network Creation Fund Project co-commissioned by Links Hall and PS122 in partnership with the National Performance Network. Photo by Jennifer Korff

Thu, Sept 24 – Sun, Sept 27, 2009
Thu – Sat 8pm, Sun 6pm
Late show: Sat, Sept 26 10:30pm

$20, $15 (students/seniors)

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