The Rehearsal | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

The Rehearsal

Cuqui Jerez – The Rehearsal

In this highly original and intriguing US Premiere, Spanish choreographer Cuqui Jerez employs the simple process of the rehearsal, an integral component of traditional theater practice, as a starting point from which she explores and questions the audience’s reality.

“The curtain rises and we see the fiction within the fiction within the fiction within the fiction. The curtain falls.”
– Cuqui Jerez

Directed by Cuqui Jerez. Created and performed by Maria Jerez, Cristina Blanco, Cuqui Jerez, Amaia Urra and Gilles Gentner. Technical director: Gilles Gentner

A Long Table on Performing the Real

Is it true or did we just make it up?

The Long Table is an experimental public forum originally developed by performance artist Lois Weaver. The Long Table experiments with participation and public engagement by re-appropriating a dinner table atmosphere as a public forum, and encouraging informal conversations on serious topics. It is literally a very long table set up with chairs and refreshments where anyone and everyone is welcome to come to the table, ask questions, make statements, leave comments, or simply sit, listen and

Saturday, October 15 4pm to be held at The Performing Garage
(33 Wooster St., Soho, NYC)

FREE – Reservations encouraged

More about Cuqui Jerez
Jerez studied dance in Madrid and New York. In 1987 she graduated in classical ballet at Real Conservatorio de Música y Danza of Madrid. Since 1990 she has been working as a dancer and performer in several companies,
films and productions. She created the following pieces: “Me encontrare bien enseguida solo me falta la
respiración” (1995), “Digase en tono mandril” (1996), “Hiding Inches” (1999), “A space odyssey (2001)” (2001), “The Real Fiction” (2005); and “The Rehearsal” (2007) as part of the larger project “The Neverstarting Story” in collaboration with Maria Jerez, Cristina Blanco and Amaia Urra.

More about The Neverstarting Story
The Neverstarting Story is a project in collaboration between Amaia Urra, Cristina Blanco, Maria Jerez and Cuqui Jerez – four independent artists who work in a border field between choreography, performance, video and theatre, insisting that their work it is not about mixing all these disciplines but trying to generate a new field that slides “in between”. In this project they looked for a way of collaborating and working together without arriving to consensus, that is to say, keeping the independence inside itself. The starting point was some common material and questions that had been developed inside a principle of non-property of the ideas. Finally they took the decision to accompany each other in four different directions of work proposed by each of them. The result of these four directions are two performances: The Set Up by Cristina Blanco and The Rehearsal by Cuqui Jerez; one film: The Movie by Maria Jerez; one video installation: The Thing by Amaia Urra; and a short film, Cinthy Tuloh, created in collaboration.

More about Crossing the Line

Crossing the Line, the annual fall festival of the French Institute Alliance Francaise (FIAF), is conceived as a platform to present vibrant new works by a diverse range of significant transdisciplinary artists working on both sides of the Atlantic. It is initiated and produced by the FIAF in partnership with leading New York cultural institutions.

More about The Performing Garage

THE PERFORMING GARAGE presents performances and work-in-progress showings curated by The Wooster Group at the company’s home base theater in SoHo. More info on the 2011-2012 season at

October 12 – 15, 2011
Wednesday – Saturday 8pm

The Performing Garage,
33 Wooster St., Manhattan, NY

Co-presented with FIAF’s Crossing the Line festival and The Performing Garage
Dance, Performance | US Premiere | Spain

The US premiere of ‘The Rehearsal’ is Co-presented with French Institute Alliance Française’s Crossing the Line, The Performing Garage and Performance Space 122. Co-produced by Consejeria Cultural de la Embajada de España en Colombia; Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon – Programme ReRc (résidence de recherche); Beurs- Schouwburg, Brussels; Parc de la Villette (Paris) dans le cadre des Résidences d’artistes; Consejería de Cultura y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Made possible by La Mekánica, Barcelona; La Parrala Centro de Creación Escenica de Burgos; Vooruit, Gent; PACT-Zollverein, Essen; Mugatxoan – Arteleku Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, San Sebástian – Fundação de Serralves, Porto; La Casa Encendida, Madrid; Aula de Danza Estrella Casero de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares; Miguel Jerez and Beatriz Quintana.

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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