The Mammy Project | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

The Mammy Project

Michelle Matlock

Michelle Matlock The Mammy Project

Developed by Michelle Matlock and Joan Evans

Direction -Amy Gordon

The Mammy Project confronts the American stereotype of Mammy as a white man’s fantasy, a black woman’s history and a country’s favorite product. As performed by Michelle Matlock this project travels from the life and times of Nancy Green (the first woman hired to play the part of a mammy), through the minstrel show era and silver-screen Mammies, to the present day where Aunt Jemima is still bought and sold from her pancake box prison. The Mammy Project was developed at The Performance Salon created by Joan Evans in New York City.

Michelle Matlock has worked as a clown/variety performer with the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, Circus Amok, Dare Devil Opera Company and is a member of The Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit. The Mammy Project has been workshopped at Dixon Place, The Goddess Festival, Girlsalon and the Palace of Variety.

April 14 – 24, 2005
Post-show reception: April 14
Thursday – Saturday, 8 p.m.
Sun. at 5 p.m.

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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