Terrible Things | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Terrible Things

Terrible Things

“Next time D’Amour and Pearl bring their enchanting work to town be sure to take it in.” – John Del Signore, The Gothamist

“The collaborative team of playwright Lisa D’Amour and director Katie Pearl make beguiling, innovative theatre pieces.” – American Theater Magazine

Science Tuesday meets Oklahoma angst as Lisa D’Amour and Katie Pearl flip PS122 into a low-rent IMAX and get up close and in between molecules, quarks and memories. Have you ever wondered if all those lives you’ve imagined yourself living are actually happening in a parallel world(s)? Terrible Things takes audiences on a T-R-I-P inside the many lives of Katie Pearl and her action-figure literary mom. Expect an in-your-body out-of-body experience shaped by Katie Pearl, three killer dancers: Emily Johnson, Morgan Thorson, and Karen Sherman, two Brazilian Jiu Jitsu wrestlers, and 1000 marshmallows. Featuring the choreography of Emily Johnson.

With funding from The Moore Family Fund for the Arts of the Minneapolis Foundation and made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Photo by Shelly Reese

“Contemporary Performance and the Multiverse”

December 9th at 7pm
Location: Sony Wonder Technology Lab, 550 Madison Avenue (at 56th Street)
Free with RSVP

On December 9th, PS122 will host the second discussion in its new Conversations with Culture series, “Contemporary Performance and the Multiverse.” The conversation uses as its launching pad PS122 artists Lisa D’Amour and Katie Pearl’s work Terrible Things, a new collaborative work exploring the multiverse though personal narrative, particle physics, and a shifting “set” of 600 marshmallows that stand in for particles, potential energy, and the sub-atomic realm. Panelists will discuss the role and ramifications of contemporary performance as a mode of articulating scientific theory and expressing our human experience of the laws and mysteries of the physical universe. These events are free and open to the public and endeavor to reinsert performance into the cultural, economic, and environmental debates coursing through contemporary society, from which it has recently largely been excluded.

Participants Include:

  • David Z. Albert, Frederick E. Woodbridge Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University, Author of Quantum Mechanics and Experience and Time and Chance
  • Lisa D’Amour and Katie Pearl– co-creators of Terrible Things, which premieres at PS122 on December 4th.
  • Brian Schwartz, Director of the Science & The Arts program at the CUNY Graduate Center and 2009 winner of the Andrew W. Gemant Award, given annually by the American Institute of Physics to recognize significant contributions to the cultural, artistic, or humanistic dimension of physics.
  • DJ Spooky, creator of Terra Nova: playing at BAM
    Dec 2 -5.
  • Richard Easther, Professor of Physics at Yale University

Fri, December 4 – Sun, December 20, 2009
Thu – Sat 8pm, Sun 6pm
Late shows: Sat, Dec 12/Fri, Dec 18/Sat, Dec 19 10 pm
Additional shows Mon, Dec 14 + Wed, Dec 16 8pm
No show Thu, Dec 17

$20, $15 (students/seniors)

Also presented as part of COIL 2010

Fri, January 8, 2010 6:30pm
Sat, January 9, 2010 9:30pm
Sun, January 10, 2010 7pm
Tue, January, 2010 12 4:30pm


For more info visit the all new pearldamour.com or visit their blog.

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