Human Company | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Human Company


human company

“Bold, disturbing and richly imaginative, a vision of otherworldly reckoning that careens with impressive fluidity between heaven and hell. A dense and dreamily luminous meditation.” – Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times. (In reference to HereAfter, created and directed by Royd Climenahaga)

Human Company presents a trio of one-woman shows exploring the shifting ground of identity and the social, personal and bodily creation of self.

I. Is It True What they Say About Dixie, created by Kelly Hanson and Beth Bradford, explores the meaning of truth in a wold of polite silence.
II. Fugue States: The 7 Successful Secrets to Cultivating an Unshakable Character, developed by Connor Kalista, Cara Francis and Susanna Gellert, carries us on an incantatory journney through media swamplands. Bring your boots.
III. Forceps Delivery, developed by Royd Climenhaga and Danielle Fink, follows a woman’s inner monolgue as she labors to deliver an impossible birth.

Human Company is a group of artists challenging the boundaries of performance experience, blurring the distinctions between theatre, dance, image, language, and sound to create a new theatre of engagement. Our pieces are developed in the rehearsal room through process and exploration to create work that is energetic, passionate and playful. We hope to stimulate a dialogue in the performance community about what theatre is and what it can be and make work that evokes what is unique and vital about the theatrical art form: its inherent demand that we bear witness through risk, investment and vulnerability. Human Company was founded in 2006 and has presented work at Chashama, HERE Arts Center, BAX and the Kitchen.

Running time: 75 minutes.

Thu, May 28 – Sun, May 31, 2009
Thursday – Saturday 7:30pm
Saturday – Sunday 4pm
Tickets from $20
$15 (students/seniors)
$10 (P.S. 122 members)

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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