The Spring Gala 2008 | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

The Spring Gala 2008

save the date

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Angel Orensanz Center
172 Norfolk Street
(btw. E. Houston and Stanton St. in Manhattan)


  • Performer Tom Murrin/Alien Comic
  • Producer Lori E. Seid
  • Members of P.S. 122

We celebrate and salute these stellar individuals who work at every level critical to live performance, who epitomize the vital roles played onstage: performer Tom Murrin; backstage: producer Lori E. Seid; and offstage: our members…

Our honorees this year are integral to the story of Performance Space 122, each contributing over the past quarter-century to build Performance Space 122 into a home to the most inventive and creative performance work in the country. Tom Murrin, aka Alien Comic, has worked in the space since the mid-80s, both performing his own shows and curating variety nights that introduced hundreds of new artists over the past two decades. Lori E. Seid began stage managing shows when that meant stringing clip lamps with extension cords, and went on to win Obie, Bessie, and Theatre Craft awards for her technical achievements behind the scenes. Off stage we are grateful to our members whose generosity supports a where theater can be reinvented, ideas can take flight, and new voices can be heard.

Live Performances:

  • Blue Man Group
  • Justin Bond
  • Steve Buscemi
  • David Cale
  • Mimi Goese
  • Lisa Kron
  • David Leslie
  • Rosie O’Donnell
  • Johanna Went
  • Plus special video performances by
    Antony and the Johnsons, directed by Charles Atlas
  • Cyndi Lauper
  • Hosted by Jonathan Ames
  • Awards presentation by Johanna Went

Get a sneak peek at the items for sale at the 2008 Gala Auction

Gala Co-Chairs:
Stephen Daldry, Claire Danes, Teri Garr, and Jane Friedman invite you to salute our honorees for their tireless and inspiring work in the world of performance.

Evening Overview:

  • 5:30 Cocktails & Silent Auction / 7:00 Dinner
  • 8:00 Live Art Auction / 8:30 Performances and Tributes
  • 10:00 Dessert / 11:30 After-Party (at Vault @ element, 225 E. Houston) )

Gala Sponsors:
Paper Magazine, Element, Kronenbourg, Newcastle, Mouton Cadet & The Centerra Wine Company.

Artist Auction Committee:
Jo Andres, , Jamie Forshaw, David Leslie, Salley May, Carlo McCormick, Nicky Paraiso, Martha Wilson and Vince Bruns

Gold Leadership Committee:
Jane Friedman
Scott Rudin and John Barlow,
Gaby Darbyshire,
David Neubert,
Michelle Kim,
David Neubert,

Silver Leadership Committee
Renate and Hugh Aller,
Jo Andres and Steve Buscemi,
George and Peggy DiCaprio,
Blue Man Group

Bronze Leadership Committee
David Binder,
Glenda Hersh,
Tamara Jenkins,
Media Bistro,
Lauren Versel,
Steve Holley and Paul Glotzer,




  • PLATINUM $25,000: Table of 10, full-page ad in gala program, listing on invitation*
  • GOLD $10,000: Table of 10, full-page ad in gala program, listing on invitation*
  • SILVER $5000: Table of 8, half-page ad in gala program, listing on invitation*
  • BRONZE $1000: 4 single tickets; plus listing in gala program and on invitation*


  • INDIVIDUAL SPONSOR $500: Single ticket, listing in gala program and on invitation*
  • INDIVIDUAL PATRON $250: Single ticket
All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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