Diptyque | Performance Space New York Spring Gala




Celebrated choreographer Rachid Ouramdane and director Pascal Rambert’s two pieces comprise a third through the experience of comparing and contrasting these two works, challenging the audience to forge a complete oeuvre from two separate parts.

The Diptyque is created through collaboration between these two leading French artists and a US collaborator, this is a double presentation, in both spaces, of two major works, set in conjunction and contrast with each other. Both are solos engaged in fascinating ways with identity, one in blinding whiteness, the other in blinding blackness.

Without realizing it, the artists often speak to each other. With My Own Hands presents a naked woman, with male genitals on a plinth, each body part microscopically lit. A Standing Boy is a solo performance featuring Rambert surrounded by projections of nature. Gender, presence and the idea of the performer are all thrown into confusion in this dizzy two-bodied free fall.

A Standing Boy is produced by: Production L’A.
Co-produced by: La Menagerie de Verre – Paris, Theatre Bonlieu Scene nationale Annecy, Association
Side One Posthume Theatre
With the support of French ministry of Culture (CNC-Dicream program)

With My Own Hands is produced by: Theatre 2 Gennevilliers.
Coproduced by Association Side One Posthume Theatre, Bonlieu Scene Nationale – Annecy, La Menagerie de Verre.
This text is published by Les Solitaires Intempestifs.

This production is a co-presentation with the French Institute Alliance Francaise (FIAF) as part of Crossing the Line 2008. This production is supported by a grant from the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States

For more information please visit https://www.theatre2gennevilliers.com/
and https://www.rachidouramdane.com/

Photo courtesy of Patrick Imbert

Oct 3-4, 2008
Standing Boy: Fri and Sat 7:30pm
With My Own Hands: Fri and Sat 9:00pm

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