Charlie Victor Romeo | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Charlie Victor Romeo

Called “a remarkable performance” by Flying Magazine, the painstakingly researched, produced and directed Charlie, Victor, Romeo allows audience members to enter into the tension filled cockpit of real in-flight emergencies. What the audience witnesses are remarkable portraits of courage, human frailty, and grace under fire. Presented by request to groups ranging from healthcare and flying professionals to West Point students and members of the US Air Force Charlie, Victor, Romeo is not only an exceptional theatrical piece: “It has lessons in it that are universal.” -Col. Jim Brooks, Chief of Operational Training, USAF, Air Force Times. Charlie Victor Romeo “is about the triumph of the human spirit, and calm in the middle of chaos.”-The New York Times.

with Bob Berger, Patrick Daniels, Irving Gregory, Matthew Eggleston

Set: Patrick Daniels

Sound: Jamie Mereness

Dates: May 26

Type: Theater

Premiere Status: New York Premier

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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