Avant-Garde-Arama Goes Clubbing | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

Avant-Garde-Arama Goes Clubbing

Avant-Garde-Arama Goes Clubbing

“Try as it may to maintain theatrical composure, always ends up degenerating, or exploding, into an all-out party.”

P.S. 122’s longest-running series (25 years) is an action-packed, eye-popping multi-disciplinary mini-festival that always culminates in a DJ dance party. The latest eruption of breakout dance, music, theatre, performance, video/film and more are presented in 8 minutes or less. The ever-popular “40-Second-Street” segment invites the audience to sign-up and present their own express performance contribution, be it prepared or made up on the spot.

Hosted by Hattie Hathaway and HapiPhace!

Curated by Club Curators of the past and the present along with Salley May, Joe E. Jeffries, Ande Whyland, Miss Joan Marie Moossy and Henry Baumgartner, this very special AGA is a celebration, remembrance and current snapshot of the vital role clubs played and play in the world of NY performance.

Starring club legends including:

Friday, Oct. 5th:

  • Alien Comic
  • Factress
  • Duke Lafayette
  • “Nelson Sullivan Goes Clubbing 1985-1989”
  • Rose Wood
  • “Nelson Sullivan The Pyramid Years 1985-1989”
  • David Ilku
  • Paul Zaloom

Saturday, Oct. 6th

  • Carmelita Tropicana
  • “Nelson Sullivan Goes Clubbing 1985-1989”
  • Flawless Sabrina
  • Scott Matthew
  • The World Famous *BOB*
  • “Nelson Sullivan The Pyramid Years 1985-1989”
  • Rose Wood
  • Phoebe Legere

Featuring photo installation and slide show by by Ande Whyland

Video by Nelson Sullivan, edited by Robert Coddington and produced by Joe E. Jeffreys;
and capped off by a dance party with a mix by DJ Dany Johnson.

October 5 and 6, 2007
Friday and Saturday at 8:00pm
Tickets from $15, $10 (members)

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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