AGA Spring 2010 | Performance Space New York Spring Gala

AGA Spring 2010

“Orchestrated mayhem and the excitement that ensues are the only predictable variables…Try as it may to maintain theatrical composure, always ends up degenerating, or exploding, into an all-out party.” – Flavorpill

Sources confirm that The Wooster Group is excited to guest curate Performance Space 122’s longest-running multi-disciplinary mini-festival and that this spring’s Avant-Garde-Arama! will feature artists who the Group calls upon, in their own words, “sometimes late at night, sometimes when we haven’t seen them in a while, sometimes lonely, sometimes drunk, and sometimes when we’ve just got nothing better to do.”


  • MC: Eric Dyer of Radiohole’s “Outrageous” New Yorker ‘Whatever, Heaven Allows’
  • Stiven Luka & Jean Coleman
  • Cynthia Hopkins
  • Daniel Pettrow
  • Esra Chelen
  • Andrew Schneider
  • Live Music by: Light Asylum


  • MC: Jibz Cameron/Dynasty Handbag the “Crackpot genius” Village Voice
  • Yvan Greenberg’s Laboratory Theater
  • Enver Chakartash
  • Jamie Poskin & Daniel Jackson’s Haptic Response Team
  • Maurina Lioce
  • Jim Findlay
  • Live music by: Kelley McRae

Installation by Shaun Irons & Lauren Petty

*Line up subject to change
Line producer: Mashinka Firunts

With The Wooster Group curating the latest installment of Avant-Garde-Arama! one can expect two evenings of performance shorts and a nightly party that will “simulate the effects of a finely graded hallucinogen on a hyper-intelligent brain” – Ben Brantley The New York Times (on The Wooster Group). Each evening, of course, will be meta-framed by A.G.A! co-founder Salley May’s customary extravagant introduction and welcome.

Founded in 1976, The Wooster Group is an ensemble of artists who, under the direction of Elizabeth LeCompte, make work for theatre, dance, and media. The many young people who intern there and sometimes move into positions in the company have long been their lifeblood. They are often artists in their own right who go on to make their own work. The Wooster Group’s Booty Call Avant-Garde-Arama! will feature some of these folks, people who have been drawn to the Group and in some sense share its artistic spirit.

Friday, April 16 + Saturday, April 17, 2010
Doors open at 8PM

All rights reserved by Performance Space New York
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