All Day Dance Class
Your don’t have to be a dancer to dance the day away with Performance Space 122!
4 back to back classes with Yvonne Meier, Yoshiko Chuma, Jack Ferver, and Sarah Michelson that culminate in an Open Movement celebration and a free screening of FAME caps the evening off.
Plus Carla Peterson will be on hand for some Gilda Radner style life-coaching sessions.
Kid’s class with Yvonne Meier
In this children’s dance class we will be using the concept of straight round and curvy for a warm up, then we will move on to a extraordinary freeze dance. We will roll and jump straight ,as a pencil, across the floor, finally to end we will use a rope to crawl under and jump over.
Class with Yoshiko Chuma
Through experiences of passing over the border — the border between danger or safety – we will make the creation, dangerous brain, dangerous sweat, and dangerous memory of the border.
For choreographers.
Show Me Your Dance Mov(i)es
Choreographer and Performance Artist Jack Ferver utilizes two of his favorite films: The Piano Teacher and Showgirls, as source material for a workshop exploring how film can be a vehicle for our personal mythologies and can act as a means of inhabiting facets of our personality and exploding them into performances that are entertaining and in-depth (i.e. “how do you perform a close-up?). Scenes will be viewed, and rapidly turned into dance. NC-17 for sure.
Learn an “impossible solo” from Sarah Michelson
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Presented as part of the 30th Anniversary RetroFutureSpective Festival
Becoming a Friend with Benefits is the single best way to experience the RetroFutureSpective Festival. Friends at the Special Friend level ($75) and above enjoy a PS122 Passport – 5 tickets valid to PS122 through June 30, 2011 to be used in any combination to onsite events.